How Design Transformed My Kids' Life

Difficult times are the most transformative.

Ever been through a difficult time in your life? Hell yeah, I know I have. It was called divorce and it was nasty!

But you know what… now I’m through it, I’m so glad it happened.

Divorced changed my life for the better. It forced me to grow, step outside of my comfort zone and try new things. Clearly the old ways weren’t working!

During my darkest time, I saw that my kids were also really suffering. The divorce had been hard on us all. It broke, my heart that my kids had to go through it too. I struggled to find a way to protect them, to take away their sadness and confusion.

I looked for answers and came across the power of Mindset and Making your own Luck. Otherwise known as Feng Shui (if you don’t know much about Feng Shui, you can read more about it here). As a designer, I knew about the general benefits beautiful surroundings have on our state of mind but this Feng Shui took it to a whole other level!  

I read as much as I could on the subject and I trialed applying Feng Shui principles to my kids' bedrooms. The results blew me away! Overnight my kids' had HUGE positive shifts in their life. The nightmares ceased, they did better at school, my son became captain of the rugby team, my daughter was selected to dance at Disneyland USA, they were happier than ever and they thanked me for making them feel so good inside. 


As a mother, this was GOLD. I thought to myself “Wow! Why don't more people know about this stuff?”

So I went and got myself certified as a Feng Shui practitioner, intergrated it with my degree as an Interior Designer and started my design business. THIS is the story of how Aurelia Mindful Interiors was born. 

When change comes, you can either embrace it and adapt OR, fight it and stay in pain. Embracing it is the most transformative and I highly recommend it. It’s how we grow. Why not see how lucky interior design can transform you and your family? You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain. Book a consultation for yourself or a friend in need here. Your future self will thank you for it!