Ever been through a difficult time in your life? I have! But you know what… now I’m through it, I’m SO glad it happened.

Divorced changed my life for the better. It forced me to grow, step outside of my comfort zone and try new things. Clearly the old ways weren’t working! Find out how I turned things around with holistic interior design…read on

Turn your floor plan into a vision board for your life! It’s one of the most famous tools in Feng Shui and it’s called the Bagua Map.

The Bagua Map tool is based on one of the oldest writings in the world and it will change the way you look at your home…read on

Feng Shui articulates a spacial framework for ideal human conditions. It’s common sense really. It takes us back to the basics. Before depression. Before consumerism. Before modern religion. Before humans got messed up…read on