What is Feng Shui and Why do I Need it?

What is Feng Shui?

Pronounced Fung Shway, Feng Shui loosely translates as Energy (Wind) and Wealth (Water).

If something’s been around for a while, it’s usually because it works. Feng Shui has been around FOREVER. It dates back around 6,000 years. Before humans were even writing.

Feng Shui articulates a primitive framework for the occurrence of ideal human conditions. It’s common sense really. It takes us back to basics. Before depression, before consumerism, before modern religion. Before humans got messed up.

In modern terms, Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese system for the placement of objects and buildings in order to make people feel comfortable and happy. Feng Shui’s goal is to improve life by balancing the Cosmic Trinity:

  • Earth Luck – the natural and physical environment

  • Human Luck - action, free will and the choices we make

  • Heaven Luck – astrology, Divine intervention, the circumstances we were born into

How does Feng Shui Work?

Some of the tools used to create balance or harmony include:

  • the 5 Elements – Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal

  • Yin and yang – Dark and light, slow and fast

  • Furniture placement – flow

  • Bagua Map – I Ching

  • Room Function – Power positions

  • Space Clearing – Decluttering space and energy

A qualified Feng Shui consultant uses these tools (and many others) as well as their intuition, to ensure your Cosmic Trinity is aligned with your goals.

Why You Need Feng Shui

The results are mind blowing. Your luck can turn positive instantly. It opens your eyes to new opportunities and brings a sense of peace and happiness to your life. Originally reserved for Chinese royalty, these days Feng Shui’s embraced by celebrities, athletes and even presidents.

Still not Convinced?

There’s also this thing called Quantum Physics.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." Albert Einstein

Everything in our world is made up of energy. Nothing is static. Nothing is truly solid. Matter, particles, atoms, molecules… they’re constantly spinning, vibrating and interacting.

Let’s take an object ordinarily viewed to the naked eye as matter. Say, a timber table. If we observe the timber under a microscope, we see that it’s made of atoms. These atoms are constantly moving and interacting. Apply fire to the timber and the atoms will interact with the fire. Changes will occur to the timber. Put this timber in water, further reactions and changes occur. The conclusion is that reactions are constantly occurring on both a macro (observable) and micro (atomic) level to the timber.

Einstein’s theory proved that matter, which has mass and occupies space, is not inert. It is active and alive. This has been proven time and time again by multiple Nobel Prize winning physicists. Most importantly, our thoughts possess energy and can influence outcomes (look up the Double Slit Experiment, it’s WAY too deep to go into here).

In Summary

It follows that everything in the universe is made of energy. Everything and everyone is connected, vibrating and interacting. The earth, humans and our universe.

This brings us back to Feng Shui and the Cosmic Trinity:

  1. Everything in our world is energy in one form or another.

  2. Identify which energies you want to attract into your life (mindset).

  3. Make changes to your physical environment to add the energies you want.

  4. Make changes to your physical environment to repel the energies you do not want.

When all three Lucks (earth, human, heaven) in the Cosmic Trinity align, those BIG life changing moments occur like meeting your soul mate or landing your dream job. You become aligned with the universe and anything is possible. Goose bump material.

What are you waiting for?

If life’s not going the way you want, if you’re stuck or feeling a little unlucky, make a booking with me. I’ll apply Feng Shui to your home or bedroom, your business or office to get your life back on track. Both virtual (online) and physical (in person) sessions are available.

My sessions are integrated with beautiful, modern interior design advice. No Chinese dragons in sight.

Create the life you want. Start living your best life. We can’t do much about the wealth and happiness you came into this world with but we CAN influence how much you leave with which happens to represent 66% of the Cosmic Trinity. Excellent odds!

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” C. S. Lewis

Julia Scott

Founder, Aurelia & Co.

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