I AM.. Protected


I AM.. Protected


Hanako’s range of Essences are derived from the earth’s raw materials to lift, inspire, support and balance.

Protected is a refreshing, sweet and zesty room scent with a pop of Peppermint and is wholly electric, in all the right ways. A cleansing, purifying and uplifting scent. It acts as a protective layer around your being. It aids in psychic protection, helping you to clear and release any energies taken on from your environment.

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Directions: There are numerous ways this little one can be used so let's get down to it:

* For clearing spaces simply mist throughout the room.

* For your own energy field simply spray over the crown of the head and around the body, let the mist fall through your field, imagine a positive light filled protective shield cocooning your being, take a deep breath and repeat the affirmation.

*Alternatively spray into your hands and sweep through your aura, surrendering any excess energies to the Earth, then stand up and cup the hands over the face and take 3 deep breaths, place your hands on your heart and have a moment of Gratitude and repeat the affirmation.

This is a great uplifting ritual to begin each day, and if necessary to use again at the end of the day to clear and release any undesired energy. Radiate your light!

AFFIRMATION: "I am safe, secure and protected. I attract wonderful people and opportunities into my life."



I AM...Protected- therapeutic properties

Fennel- Protecting, warming and grounding.  A tonic for those that tend to worry, over think and overanalyse.  Historically known for protecting against psychic disturbance.

Grapefruit- Traditionally used to alleviate stress, depression, nervous tension and exhaustion. It encourages feelings of fullness and contentment.

Cedarwood- warming and protective, it assists in shifting negative emotions for transformation. Good for increasing mental focus.

Tangerine- cheerful, uplifting and soothing. Helps with an over active mind.

Sandalwood- Relaxing and uplifting it encourages “higher’ consciousness and deeper Meditation.

Cypress- Refreshing, protecting, purifying and grounding. Traditionally used for psychic protection and purification. Instilling strength and wisdom and promoting a sense of security.

Peppermint- Refreshing and stimulating. Promotes increased clarity, aids mental fatigue.

Melissa- Calming and uplifting. Assists in balancing the emotions and inspires universal love.

Gem and flower essences, crystal infused water, mantra and love.