Feng Shui | Online Express Business

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Feng Shui | Online Express Business


Is there one particular area of your business that feels blocked? Can’t find the right staff? Or maybe your creativity’s blocked?

Are you ready to do something about it? Great! Start here. It’s easy, quick, affordable and guaranteed to get things moving.

This session is for you if:

  • you’re curious about feng shui and want to see how it works for you

  • you’re time poor and want a professional, quick online service

  • you want your workplace to FEEL better but aren’t in a position to re-decorate

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How does an Online Express session work? 

1.    Choose one area of your business you want to improve such as: relationships, wealth, health, career or family.

2.    Complete our quick online Questionnaire.

3.    Upload a sketch of your floor plan (we may require a few photos too).

4.    Schedule a 45 minute messenger video session at your convenience via our time zone sensitive online booking system.

5.    Relax and enjoy the conversation, you’ll receive a customized Cure Report at the end of your session.

6.    Apply your cures. They’re quick, affordable and easy. In fact, most can be applied during our session.

Our certified online Feng Shui consultations are experienced by clients all over the world. We work with what you already have to apply cures quickly and easily and guarantee you’ll feel positive change. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! For further information contact us here.