Aurelia & Co

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How the Layout of Your Home Affects Your Life

What’s a Bagua Map?

One of the most famous tools of traditional Feng Shui is The Bagua Map.

The Bagua Map is Feng Shui’s tool to turn your floor plan into a vison board for your life. It is based on one of the oldest writings in the world known as I Ching or The Book of Changes (a fascinating body of work in itself) and it will change the way you look at your home.

The Bagua Map divides your floor plan up into 9 equal areas called “Guas”. Each Gua represents a different aspect of your life or life changes. By regularly assessing your Guas you will bring more balance and harmony into your life.

How do I Apply it to My Life?

Here’s the simplified modern version on how to apply it to your life…

1. Find a quiet space, a note pad and 20 minutes.

2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

3. What’s the one area of your life you’re not happy with?

4. What would life be like if you made positive changes to this part of your life?

5. Open your eyes and write out your goal. Make it as detailed as possible.

FACT: Goals are 42% more likely to come true if you write them down on a regular basis.

Dr G Matthews

6. Write the sentence, “I am ready for change”. Intention is paramount in Feng Shui, it’s where the magic lies.

FACT: Quantum Physics’ theory of Entanglement confirms our thoughts affect outcomes

P Jordan

7. Identify this area on your Bagua Map.

8. Lay the Bagua Map over your floor plan (align the bottom of the map with your front door) to easily identify where this area is in your home. You can do this mentally or apply it to an actual hand sketch of your floor plan, it doesn’t have to be exact.

9. Where does this space reside on your floor plan?

10. Go have a good look at this part of your home. Look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.

11. Declutter this area immediately. Marie Kondo it! Shift that old energy!

12. Fix anything that’s broken in this space, it’s a metaphor for that area of your life.

13. Add an inspirational decorative piece to this area. Something that represents success to you in this matter and is aligned with that’s Gua’s Element (see the detailed Bagua above).

14. Fold up your piece of paper with your goal and place it under a candle in this Gua.

15. Light your candle (safely) while visualising your desired outcome for a few minutes everyday for the next 9 days.

16. Watch the changes come! This stuff works. It changed my client’s lives and it can change yours too. Let me know how it worked for you in the comments below.

What if I My Housemates aren’t into it?

For a more personal application, the Bagua Map can also be applied on a micro level to the floor plan of your bedroom or office.

To Sum Up

You can read into the Bagua Map as much or a little as you like. Remember, this article sets out a highly simplified, modern version of Bagua Map application. If you want to delve deeper, book a session with me online or in person here.

Share your experiences or questions in the comments below. I’d love to hear how it worked for you.

What you think you become. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you create.


Julia Scott

Founder, Aurelia & Co.

